Pondering on self directed learning for kids?

Priyanka Modi
4 min readMay 31, 2021


Could children be incharge of their own learning with the help of their parents? Last year in 2020 when the schools were closed down I got an opportunity to choose what my son learns and what he enjoys most. We joined various classes that were available online like Earth School by Ted ed- which was about climate change, farming, sustainability etc. Nat Geo Kids facts — the online magazines which were very interactive and informative. Scholastic #learnfromhome that provided subject wise free content. Drawing together with wendy Mac — featuring live art classes. Attended coding classes provided by code.org. Exercise sessions done by @thebodycach, we listened to podcasts, we saw ted-ed videos together.

The learning became more like pick and choose from the myriad of things that were available on the internet. I realised that we were not fixed on a pattern but instead we were exploring various things directly from experts and exceptionally good content creators. It made me think that how schools limit the content that is provided to the kids. There are of course well planned subjects in schools and it is taught in interesting way but if you look at the other side kids are missing out on so many things that are trending worldwide and easily available.

I did some research and found that Villa Monte (https://www.villamonte.ch/en/) in Switzerland has a radical model of school that has no teacher, no exams and no report cards. Children reach the schools and decide for themselves from options like cooking, practicing for a theater play, or program a robot etc. The difference that the kids have in their learning abilities are accepted and it is found that they have lesser stress and anxiety.

My son in the process started enjoying general knowledge sessions, facts and science. He still enjoys the general knowledge sessions on farming, countries, cities, freedom and lots more. He looks forward to these classes, I realized I didnt have to force him to attend these sessions.

Benefits of Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning promotes the natural development of self-confidence, Planning their schedule themselves, planning how much they could do in a day is a good idea as it teaches them to take responsibility of their work in a day.

Self directed learning can prevent children from being victim to the schools expectations. Children can choose their pace, there is no need to learn the multiplication tables because other kids have learnt. Children can read and write based on their learning abilities. As John Holt puts in his book How Children Fail, “School is a place where children learn to feel stupid.”

The labelling in schools stay with kids for lifetime, the comparisons that are made at a very early age, realisation of not being able to meet the standards by school don’t disappear with time. the pressure of succeeding and scoring gives rise to anxiety and stress at a very early age. The school years of kids goes in convincing the teachers and the parents their capabilities and displaying their knowledge.

“Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.” — Plato

We cannot expect the schools to cater to all kinds of needs that students can have, It is difficult for schools to accommodate to wide variety of interests, wait till all the students in the class are ready. Students are different — there are some who prefer structure and timelines and there are some who have their own pace. Parents and students can work together and decide on their interests, plan the activities and classes. They can research and choose the programs that they are interested in.

I often made fun of the way learning happened when I was small like memorizing the tables,by-heart the spellings but the funny thing is that still many schools in India are following the same teaching methods.

How can parents help?

Parents should see self learning as the opportunity to introduce life skills to kids, which is a almost absent in typical schools.

Parents enthusiasm matter a lot, when we as parents are involved and help our kids explore things that they like its a win win situation. Sometimes exposing children to different genres like music, dance, writing, reading, mathematics etc. can help them choose and foster in the area that they find spark.

How do I support my Kid?

I am somebody who is constantly learning, reading different approaches to education. I introduce different learning methods, I try not to force when he shows resistance. I help him understand and sit with him when he tries new subjects or sessions. I try to be a part and share my interest with him as well. We sometimes search for new things together so that he is a part of it.

This year I introduced my son to blogging after he finished a session on blogging, he is continuing to code, he has been attending general knowledge sessions, he is doing a lot of free play with his cousin. He is learning a new language which is Hindi. He reads himself to sleep, all by himself that’s a habit that he has developed in last couple of months.

I think that there are lot of new things to explore in order to facilitate free and independent learning and these are worth a try to expose the kids to different methods.

“Self education is, I believe, the only education there is.” — Issac Asimov



Priyanka Modi

A single mom on her journey to raise a free learner. Learning from the internet as much as I can. Educationnext.in