22 Things I Want My Son To Know

If you are different as a compared to your parents and this can be very difficult for others to accept. This is your parenting style and you should not let anyone make you feel bad about it.
Relatives and family members might not appreciate the kind of parent you are, they might judge your parenting style. stay positive, it is not worth getting into a fight with them about it.
It is okay to be different it is good to be different. It makes you unique. You are not like anyone else and that is what makes you special.
Do not compare yourself to other parents or children. each family is different and each child is unique.
You are the best parent for your child. no one knows your child better than you do.
You will make mistakes, we all do. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.
Parenting is not easy, it is one of the hardest things you will ever do. but it is also one of the most rewarding.
Enjoy every moment with your child, they grow up so fast.
You are a great parent, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
People generally tend to tease kids and make them feel small. I have never wanted my son to feel this way and have always wanted him to know his self-worth. It is not worth fighting different opinions every time so I made a list of things my son should know :
- I want my son to know that he is loved- many things have come in my life but he will always be my favorite.
- I want my son to know that he is capable of anything- he can do anything he sets his mind to
- I want my son to know that he is valuable- he is worth more than anything money can buy
- I want my son to know that he is not perfect and that’s okay- we all make mistakes but it’s how we learn and grow from them that matters
- I want my son to know that he is unique- there is nobody in the world like him and that’s something to be celebrated
- I want my son to know that I love him- no matter what happens in life, I will always love him unconditionally
- I want my son to know that he can make a difference in the world- that his voice matters and he has the power to change things for the better.
- I want my son to know that he is never alone- even on the darkest days, he will always have me by his side.
- I want my son to know that he can always come to me for help and support- no matter what he’s going through, I will always be there for him.
- I want my son to know that I am proud of him- no matter what he does in life, good or bad, I will always be proud of him.
- I want my son to know that he is a valuable member of our family and community- he is loved and appreciated.
- I want my son to know that teasing is not a way of love- it might seem harmless fun but can hurt someone’s feelings.
- I want my son to know that his opinion matters to me- I value his thoughts and opinions and I’m always interested in hearing what he has to say.
- I want my son to know that he can talk to me about anything- no topic is off limits and I am always here to listen and offer support.
- I want my son to know that no one can bully him- he is strong and capable and no one can make him feel inferior.
- I want my son to know that he is beautifully and perfectly made- just the way he is.
- I want my son to know that he need not adjust to toxic relationships- be it with friends or family, he should know his self-worth and never let anyone put him down.
- I want my son to know that it’s okay not to be okay- sometimes life is tough and we all need a little help. It’s okay to reach out and ask for support.
- I want my son to know that it’s okay to make mistakes- we all do it, and it’s how we learn and grow from our mistakes that counts.
- I want my son to know that his feelings are valid- no matter what he is feeling, it is valid and he has a right to feel whatever he is feeling.
- I want my son to know that I will protect him always…
- Finally, I want my son to know that no matter what life throws at him, I will always be there for him unconditionally- no matter what.
I don’t want others’ opinions and beliefs to affect my son negatively in any way because I know he is strong and capable and will make his own decisions in life. I want him to be confident in himself and his abilities and never let anyone make him feel inferior.
Parenting is hard, no one ever said it wasn’t. But it is also the most amazing and rewarding experience you will ever have. So enjoy every moment with your child, they do grow up too fast.
And always remember, you are the best parent for your child. So trust your instincts and go with your gut. It’s usually right. ;-)
I am Priyanka, I believe education exists beyond the four walls of classrooms. I believe in natural learning environment and I discuss all this in my weekly newsletter. Do subscribe here to get your access. educationnext.beehiiv.com